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Additionally, Game Scripting Mastery has a simple game written in C and Lua
(4, not 5) in it's section on "What's Out There."  This game is also shown
in Python and Tcl.  Ok, not really a "complete" game, but it shows how to
manipulate a "game-like demo" from all three scripting systems, and has a
very brief intro to each language as well.  Not to mention that reading this
one might give a little insight into the "joys" of language/compiler

Maybe someday Bioware will release the source to Baldur's Gate 2.  I think
it odd that they rolled their own for Neverwinter Nights - and NWScript is
annoying to boot.  Enough like C to feel familiar, enough different to be
like a freshly pulled tooth (painful at the oddest moments, and that feeling
of something missing).


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Luiz Henrique
de Figueiredo
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: A complete game with Lua?

>Is there some source code(.c or .cpp and .lua) of a
>complete game with Lua?

I think LuaCheia comes with "Meteor Shower".
See also