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> Thanks for the answer. If I understood correctly it's not possible to
> have plain Lua executable using libraries from dll's? Instead I have to
> use same Lua from dll for application and library?

In case Martin's explanation did not make the situation perfectly clear to
you, I'll add this.
What you are seeing is most likely a call to the C runtime "free" routine
failing because it is attempting to return a block to it's heap that did not
come from that heap, but rather came from a different instanciation of the
heap made by a separately linked c runtime.  Similar issues probably exist,
but this seems to be the one that stands out for everyone who ends up with
multiple linked copies of the c runtime.

You are far from the first to run across this and post to this list
(assuming that this is a correct diagnostic of your problem, but its very
likely to be correct).