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Thank you for enlightening me. I had wondered about this
for some time. I guess I should read the manual more often.

David B

Philippe Lhoste <> wrote:

>D Burgess wrote:
>> I do not know whether is normal, but it happens.
>> It is not just your C++ function.
>> 21      29
>> 22      1
>> 1       22      29
>> regards
>> DB
>> Gil Damoiseaux <> wrote:
>>>	I'm using Lua since some months now, and I've come across a problem today
>>>that I've never noticed. I have a C++ function that returns 3 integers, let
>>>says a GetPosition() that return x,y and z.
>>>when I do:
>>>	print(GetPosition())
>>>I have :
>>>	12   34   55
>>>But when I do
>>>	print(GetPosition(),99)
>>>I have:
>>>	12   99
>>>	Is this really normal? Or did I miss something?
>>>Thanks in advance,
>>>Gil Damoiseaux, ITV engineer,
> From the manual (2.5.7 - Function Calls):
>Because a function can return any number of results (see 2.4.4), the number of 
>results must be adjusted before they are used. If the function is called as a 
>statement (see 2.4.6), then its return list is adjusted to zero elements, thus 
>discarding all returned values. If the function is called inside another expression 
>or in the middle of a list of expressions, then its return list is adjusted to one 
>element, thus discarding all returned values except the first one. If the function is 
>called as the last element of a list of expressions, then no adjustment is made 
>(unless the call is enclosed in parentheses).
>Looks like your problem...
>Philippe Lhoste (Paris -- France)
>Professional programmer and amateur artist
> (outdated)
> (in French, for files to download)