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I'm trying to do as much as possible in Lua before I run into performance problems and have to drop back to C++. As part of the tests I was running I came across some surprising (to me anyway) results.

Am I doing something wrong or is it rather expensive to access to a table?

The following two blocks for code are identical except that one loop has two table accesses in it. The one with tables runs at less then half the speed.

local x, y, i = 0, 3, 0
while i < 500000 do
   x = i * y
   i = i + 1

local t = { x = 0, y = 3 }
local i = 0
while i < 500000 do
   t.x = i * t.y
   i = i + 1

I also tried binding a simple C++ class with luabind and running the equivalent loop. It was about 10 times slower than the table loop above.
