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Lua and PalmPilot afficionados,

I have attached a simple set of table definitions to map the Lua 5.0 names 
back to Lua 4.0 that is used by Plua on the PalmPilot. I then put the 
following at the top of each of my Plua memos:

if string == nil then dofile "memo:lua5.lua" end

I find this to be useful - at least until the new PalmPilot Lua project is up 
to speed.


Doug Rogers - ICI - V:703.893.2007x220
-- lua5.lua
-- Creates Lua 5.x standard library
-- tables.

function __unavailable ()
    error("function not implemented")

function setmetatable(obj,mt)
   -- Copy functions into local object;
   -- not the best, but passable.
   for k,v in mt do
      if type(v) == "function" then
         obj[k] = v
end   -- setmetatable()

coroutine = {}

coroutine.create = __unavailable
coroutine.resume = __unavailable
coroutine.status = __unavailable
coroutine.wrap = __unavailable
coroutine.yield = __unavailable

math = {}

math.abs = abs
math.acos = function(x) return rad(acos(x)) end
math.asin = function(x) return rad(asin(x)) end
math.atan = function(x) return rad(atan(x)) end
math.atan2 = function(x,y) return rad(atan2(x,y)) end
math.ceil = ceil
math.cos = function(x) return cos(deg(x)) end
math.deg = deg
math.exp = exp
math.floor = floor
math.log = log
math.log10 = log10
math.max = max
math.min = min
math.mod = mod
math.pi = 3.14159265358979323846
math.pow = pow
math.rad = rad
math.sin = function(x) return sin(deg(x)) end
math.sqrt = sqrt
math.tan = function(x) return tan(deg(x)) end
math.frexp = frexp
math.ldexp = ldexp
math.random = random
math.randomseed = randomseed

os = {} = date

string = {}

string.byte = strbyte
string.char = strchar
string.dump = __unavailable
string.find = strfind
string.format = format
string.gsub = gsub
string.len = strlen
string.lower = strlower
string.rep = strrep
string.sub = strsub
string.upper = strupper

table = {}

table.concat = __unavailable
table.foreach = foreach
table.foreachi = foreachi
table.getn = getn
table.insert = tinsert
table.remove = tremove
table.sort = sort
table.setn = __unavailable

true = 1
false = nil