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On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

> GNU Source-highlight 1.9 now includes support for Lua.

I have modified file in my computer in order to include
support for Lua code in enscript, other gnu source-highlight formatter
( I did not know about src-highlite,
but I will try it and maybe it replaces enscript :). Anyway, I sent you
the configuration file needed to give support to Lua.

Best regards,
Salvador E.  I sent you only diff output with respect to the original
configuration file, I can send you the entire file If you
want. It seems to work well, but I have coded it with no knowledge of
"awk-like" enscript language, only by analogy to other source.

<   /\.lua$/				lua;
< /**
<  * Name: lua
<  * Description: Lua programming language.
<  */
< state lua_string
< {
<   /(\]\])/ {
<     language_print ($0);
<     return;
<   }
<   lua_string_end {
<     language_print ($0);
<     return;
<   }
<     language_print ($0);
<   }
< }
< state lua_long_comment
< {
<   /(\]\])/ {
<     language_print ($0);
<     return;
<   }
<     language_print ($0);
<   }
< }
< state lua
< {
<   /* Comments. */
<   /^#|--/ {
<     comment_face (true);
<     language_print ($0);
<     call (eat_one_line);
<     comment_face (false);
<   }
<   /* Lua long comment */
<   /(--\[\[)/ {
<     comment_face (true);
<     language_print ($0);
<     call (lua_long_comment);
<     comment_face (false);
<   }
<   /* Lua strings */
<   /(\[\[)/ {
<     string_face (true);
<     language_print ($0);
<     call (lua_string);
<     string_face (false);
<   }
<   /(\"|[\'])/ {
<     lua_string_end = regexp( $0 );
<     string_face (true);
<     language_print ($0);
<     call (lua_string);
<     string_face (false);
<   }
<   /* Function */
<   /([ \t]*)(function)([ \t]+)([^(]*)/ {
<     /* indentation */
<     language_print ($1);
<     /* def */
<     keyword_face (true);
<     language_print ($2);
<     keyword_face (false);
<     /* middle */
<     language_print ($3);
<     /* Function name. */
<     function_name_face (true);
<     language_print ($4);
<     function_name_face (false);
<   }
<   /* local variable */
<   /([ \t]*)(local)([ \t,]+)([^=]*)/ {
<     /* indentation */
<     language_print ($1);
<     keyword_face (true);
<     language_print ($2);
<     keyword_face (false);
<     /* middle */
<     language_print ($3);
<     /* Function name. */
<     variable_name_face (true);
<     language_print ($4);
<     variable_name_face (false);
<   }
<     /* Keywords
<        (build-re '(and assert break class continue def del elif else
<        else: except except: exec finally for from global if import in
<        is lambda not or pass print raise return try try: while
<        yield)) */
<   /\b(and|break|do|e(lse(|if)|nd)|f(alse|or|unction)|i(f|n)|local|n(il|ot)|\
< or|re(peat|turn)|t(hen|rue)|until|while)\b/ {
<     keyword_face (true);
<     language_print ($0);
<     keyword_face (false);
<   }
< }
< /*
< Local variables:
< mode: c
< End:
< */