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Can you use userdata as a table key?


I need to associate a key (into a graphical wxLua control) with data. The key is returned as userdata.
So I would like to say something like

	CtrlTable[newId] = {icnt, jcnt, kcnt}

When I do this, and then say
        print(string.format("Size of CtrlTable = %d",
table.getn(gCtrlTable )))

The result is 0.

Well, getn() is useful if you use the table as an array, that is: store values under the numeric keys 1, 2, 3, etc.. Since you're using the table with non-numeric keys getn() returns 0.

Nor can I index the table using the newId key.  Where has
the data gone?

In the example you give the table has a different name [i.e. one with a 'g' prepended]. Could this be the cause?

no signature is a signature