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On Sun, Apr 25, 2004 at 01:24:05PM +0100, Jamie Webb wrote:
> On Sunday 25 April 2004 12:28, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
> > On Sun, 2004-04-25 at 10:37, Asko Kauppi wrote:
> > > It's no secret that MS actually uses Lua, but now they're trying to
> > > steal the name as well..
> > > "..when building desktop applications, make them LUA (Logical Unit
> > > Application programming interface) compliant." (
> > > Anything we can do about it?
> >
> > If they are using the term 'LUA' or 'L.U.A.' then there's nothing really
> > that can be done since 'Lua' is clearly not an acronym.
> See

My understanding is that this is a reverse acroynm, much like Basic is.
(The language was called 'Basic' long before somebody thought up
"Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code").

Lua being "moon", and Lua's ancestor being SOL (or 'Sun') and "Simple
Object Language".

"Lua" certainly looks a lot nicer than "LUA" in a typographical sense,

(I come from a computing background where the OS is called "RISC OS",
the company that makes it is called "RISCOS Ltd." and the computers it
runs on are called "RiscPCs", so that's even more horribly complicated.)

Rob Kendrick, Pepperfish Ltd.         +44 (0)845 226 4146
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