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Wilfried Verachtert wrote:

> For that, I realy need some kind of concurrent processes. The coroutines
> look nice (...)
> I don't need full fledged 'threads' because that probably would involve
> using the threads of the underlying OS. In my case, that would imply the
> installation of an OS on my embedded system and that's something I would
> like to avoid.

You can create an opcode counting hook and yield from there. The
problem with that is that the time taken up by a particular number of
opcodes can vary quite a bit. So it can be extended by calling the
hook very frequently and use it to poll a timer, and only yield when
that timer exceeds a set threshold.

Something as follows:

void opcodecounthook(lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar) {
    /* We can't yield across a metamethod/C-call boundary. */
    if (L->nCcalls > 0) return;
    /* See if more than the set threshold of time has passed since the last yield */
    if ((MilliSecs()-yield_last) < yield_threshold) return;
    lua_yield(L, 0);

The yield_last must be included as userstate with the lua
state, and set on resume as follows:

For Lua code, this gives reasonably uniform cooperative time
slices. When the code being executed contains C calls that take
a long time to execute, latencies cannot be avoided since C calls
cannot be yielded. In particular this includes pcall and other
C library functions that take a function as parameter. Also,
coroutines cannot be used from within a resume.
