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> Does the program with the Lua interface provide access to the Lua io
> library?

I would assume so.

> If so then you can make a quick solution (albeit not necessarily a terribly
> efficient one) by writing the data out to files and reading from them in the
> other program.
If I didn't need to have an update rate of at least 30Hz, this would work.

> Someone may have a much brighter idea, but it sounds to me like you are
> "doomed" to end up modifying the Lua sources to attempt to somehow work
> around this issue.
> In an optimistic light, it is Of course completely possible that this
> "engine" offers some helpful information / hooks for this kind of extending.

I may have a chance at getting at least LuaSocket stuffed into the build
so I can use that to get data out the door.  If I use the loopback
interface to communicate with another program on the same host, it should
be quick enough for my purposes.  I have at most, 150ms of time to
process, transmit and act upon the data coming out of the game engine
before I need to process the next frame.

I'm getting the impression that trying for a real shared memory segment is
going to be foolhardy at best, so I'll press for the socket option.

