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On Mar 04, 2004, at 16:19, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

I wrote a simple (public-domain) implementation of most of the functions from the standard C library that are needed by the Lua core. Unfortunately, it does not contain vsprinf, but there must be a public-domain or MIT-licencsed
implementation of it somewhere.

* libc.c
* functions from the standard C library that are needed by the Lua core

char *strncpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t n)
 char *t=d;
 while (n-- && (*t++=*s++)) ;
 return d;

The ISO C strncpy is required to always write exactly n chars into the destination (null characters are appended). This fact is not nearly well enough known. Presumably you know for sure, but I doubt that Lua relies on this null padding.

Also, many of the prototypes are not C99 compliant, but that is really the standard's fault, not yours.

David Jones