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> So - as far as memory usage goes, is it correct to say that if a string
> is not reachable by any means, weak table or otherwise, it will be

> collected?

Yes, eventually, probably.

Sorry I cannot be more precise than that, but that is the way it is.

Lua does not aggressively garbage collect strings. It also does not
aggressively garbage collect table keys. So they might hang about for
a while.

Lightuserdata are like numbers: they don't actually take up any
space because they are entirely contained within the "reference".
(The reference takes up space, but no additional space is taken
up by the object.) This also applies to nil, true and false.

If you had an id whose value could be converted easily into
something that could be cast to (void*), you would be better
off using a lightuserdata, provided that you could guarantee
that no other "type" of lightuserdata might have the same
value. For example, if your id is actually the address of a
foreign object, and all your lightuserdata are addresses of
some object or another, then you could use a lightuserdata
instead of converting the id to a string. That would reduce
your memory utilisation and save on garbage collection time.

Hope that helps.