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> So long as you don't pop the function off or do an "insert", etc.,
> the value of err_func will be fine.  

Well, what I'm trying to figure out is the relationship between 
setting the err_func and any existing values on the stack.

I have a generic function I call that wraps lua_pcall, let's call it 
my_pcall.  I push the parameters I want to call, e.g. two numbers, and 
the name of the function:

lua_getglobal( l, "some_func" );
lua_pushstring( l, "a" );
lua_pushstring( l, "b" );


But if my_pcall does stack manipulation in order to retrieve the 
err_func, my values are gonna be out of whack from what the called 
function is expecting?  i.e. if I then do:

lua_pushliteral( .. );
lua_rawget( .. );

The stack is no longer structured correctly for my call since the 
push_literal/rawget combination have now pushed something onto the top 
of the stack that I'm not allowed to remove.  At least, I think that's 
what's happening.

Sorry for being dense on this.
