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Reuben Thomas wrote:

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Jay Carlson wrote:

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Jay Carlson wrote:

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Reuben Thomas wrote:

This is the main objection to what I propose above. What can't you do
conveniently with exec and glob?

Oh right, I forgot:

 f = os.popen("mipsel-linux-objdump --syms --section="..section..
	" --start-address="..hex(start).." "..objfilename)
 for l in f:lines() do
   _, _, etc = string.find(l, "^(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x) [^l] ...")

What's wrong with pipe, fork and exec? (With a simplifying wrapper,

To make things clearer, what I claim to want to write there is:

  f = myos.popen("mipsel-linux-objdump", "--syms",
    "--section="..section, "--start-address="..hex(start),

Right now, external libraries can't create file handles. So if I write an external popen(argv, env), I have to duplicate the infrastructure in liolib.c. The only way I can write myos.popen is in terms of the existing io functions, building a complicated command line for io.popen.

Hey, Lua maintainers: this could be a fix for it:

luaIO_filecreate(lua_State *L, FILE *f)
   FILE **pf = newfile(L);
   *pf = f;
   return 1;

This also lets me easily write stuff like fdopen, which is not ANSI C, but widely supported, even outside POSIX.
