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I couldn't find an answer to this in the archives...

I have a problem using LuaPlus to call a C++ class member function with
parameters from Lua Script.


class	CMyClass
		virtual	void	SomeFunc( void )
			//do stuff...

		virtual	void	SomeOtherFunc( int i, float f, const
char * psMessage )
			//do stuff...

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
	LuaStateOwner	poState;
	LuaObject		oLuaGlobals	= poState->GetGlobals();
	CMyClass		oTestObject;
	LuaObject		oLuaObject	=
oLuaGlobals.CreateTable( "LuaTestObject" );

	oLuaObject.RegisterEx( "SomeFunc", oTestObject,
CMyClass::SomeFunc );
	oLuaObject.RegisterEx( "SomeOtherFunc", oTestObject,
CMyClass::SomeOtherFunc );

	poState->DoFile( "test.lua" );	

In "test.lua" I have:

LuaTestObject:SomeOtherFunc( 2, 3, "blah" )

The first line of Lua calls the correct function, as I'd expect.
The second line, however, generates the error:

test.lua:2: calling 'SomeOtherFunc' on bad self (bad argument)

It doesn't seem to matter what function parameters I try, none work.
I need to attach the function to the Lua table, not in global scope,
as I need to have multiple instances of the objects available to Lua.

I can't see what I've done wrong.
If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate your input.

It's possibly also worth me pointing out that I need this for a cross
platform project (PC/XBox/PS2).

(Hopefully Outlook hasn't made a complete mess of the formatting of this
apologies if it has).