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Hi everyone. I have a little issue with the __index metamethod. It seems to me I'm doing something really stupid, but I can't see where.
mt = {}
mt.__index = function(t, k) print("prueba2 --" .. k) end
ipStartData = {}
setmetatable(ipStartData, mt)
ipStartData.version = 256 -- 0x0100
ipStartData.delimiter = ","
ipStartData.num_boards = 1
ipStartData.board_list = ipBoardInfo
The __index method does not get called when I access the table. But __newindex does. Have I misunderstood the concept of __index?
What I'd like to achieve eventually is something like proxy tables (I need to set the members of C structs).
I'm using Lua 5.0.
Thanks in advance,
Ignacio Burgueño