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Nicolas Noble wrote:

I specifically want to build a static library that I can link into my
game. not a .dll!

any help would be appreaciated.

Add all the following files into your project directly:

external headers:
lauxlib.h  lua.h  lualib.h

internal headers:
ldebug.h lgc.h     lmem.h     lparser.h   ltable.h   lvm.h
lapi.h   ldo.h     llex.h     lobject.h   lstate.h   ltm.h      lzio.h
lcode.h  lfunc.h   llimits.h  lopcodes.h  lstring.h  lundump.h

basic LUA:
lcode.c   ldump.c  llex.c     lopcodes.c  lstring.c  ltm.c      lvm.c
ldebug.c  lfunc.c  lmem.c     lparser.c   ltable.c   lzio.c
lapi.c    ldo.c    lgc.c      lobject.c   lstate.c   ltests.c   lundump.c

library fonctions:
lbaselib.c  liolib.c    loadlib.c  ltablib.c
lauxlib.c   ldblib.c    lmathlib.c lstrlib.c

hope this help.

thanks, that helped alot, I got it working with this information and have already added the solution file I created to the wiki under the "building lua" page!