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> I don't have the time to read lua manual 45 times, and sit
> back and drink a beer, and read it again, this isn't rehab,
> what I want to do is so basic, it blows my mind.
> THE BIG THING how do I interface them with my GAME to
> make them work, you know how much time I have spent
> reading nothing but .lua files, I don't care about how
> they work inside lua, I want to know how they work together
> with my app, there is plenty of good documents on the
> scripting langauge itself, I can figure that out, but
> there is little or no documentation on interfacing it
> with your app.

OK, sorry I didn't mention it in my step by step response, but the Lua
manual is a mere 65 pages long, and so reading and re-reading the manual is
very well doable (and you should have been able to read it once, or even
twice in the time you have spent on writing these questions into the mailing

In useful information to you specifically your holiness who doesn't seem to
have time to even read the table of contents to the manual, for your exact
problem with comprehending how to use Lua, you can skip the sections on the
standard libraries, AND the section on the debugging interface which brings
the total page count down to mere 35.

As for where the hell you can find information on interfacing Lua to your
GAME.  Um, that would be THE MANUAL.  So RTFM and shut up.  The whole point
of reading the manual multiple times is primarily BECAUSE THE MANUAL IS SO
ACCOMPLISH MOST TASKS so you will likely miss the great flexibilities of Lua
since for most uses you will need so little of it, so before you discount it
as too trivial for some later task, go back and look again.  I personally
don't understand why your problem requires anything more than a couple of
tables (supplied by your scripts) and registering some user functions that
operate on those tables, but maybe I just haven't spent enough time trying
to understand your problem.