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> The above rant is my way to say that the Lua reference manual is one
> the
> best language manuals I read. On that I think we agree.

I agree too. I like the terse nature of it. I rarely spend a lot of time
looking for something and a few small experiments usually clarify any
misunderstanding on my part.

If you feel that the manual is not verbose enough I suggest you try
reading the tutorial:

The style of the tutorial is supposed to be more chatty and fluid than
the manual, with plenty of examples to demonstrate and clarify any
concepts discussed. If you feel the tutorial is not clear or lacking in
someway then you should leave a comment so we can address this:

I know the C API section is still missing from the tutorial. I will try
and address this in the near future. More generally it seems a section
on binding, and practical application of co-routines and environments
would be appropriate. I think I've noticed a drop in traffic for basic
"how do I do this" questions from newbies in Lua. I think the increased
documentation in the community has had an effect but we still have a way
to go.
