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Hello Luiz,

    Well, as you know, I'm making a translator yet, not a jit compiler, then
I can't say about jiting (as the question from Florian Berger was about
lua2c, not jit).
    But, imagine the following code:
        function sum(x,y)
            return x + y;
    print( sum(10,20) ) --> 30

    This code has the opcodes ( only names, if someone want to see the
original use luac -l -p in the above code):
RETURN, for global part, and ADD, RETURN, RETURN, for function sum.

    Imagine we translated the sum function, in my opinion, as it's a simple
function, with 2 working opcodes, we will not gain speed translating to C,
but I will use it to show why in my opinion big functions (with more code)
speedup if translated to C:

    The interpreter, for each opcode, do:
    loop to get next opcode.
    switch the opcode.
    test until reach the instruction.
    unpack arguments from opcode.
    run code for instruction.

    Then, the function sum, IN THE CALL will be:
    loop to get next instruction (ADD).
    walk in switch until OP_ADD "case" body.
    run the code for OP_ADD.
    loop to get next instruction (RETURN).
    walk in switch until OP_RETURN.
    run the code for OP_RETURN.

    In a translated C function, we add only the "run the code for OP_XX"
part, we don't need to loop, nor walk inside a switch, as when we translated
we already did this inside the translator, this will be, something like:
    run the code for OP_ADD.
    return OP_RETURN values. -- 1 in this case

    Here I don't says about "background" things, like loading values, etc...
    But in this simple example we have a gain in speed INSIDE the function,
but to call a C function in Lua (and in any other interpreted language) we
have some overhead, then IN SIMPLE functions we don't have a speed gain,
because of this.

    Of course, this is MY OPINION, witch isn't the God's truth ;-). Maybe
I'm wrong, but only when I have a working code I will make real and useful
tests (Well, the code above can be translated, but after the translation I
need to touch the code with my hands, as some things I have'nt created yet).

God bless you,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Lua 5 and lua2c

> >    Of course, native code always beat interpreted code/bytecode.
> This is not so clear for Lua because of its extensible semantics. In
> other words, almost every Lua VM instruction can trigger a metamethod.
> So JIT compiling for Lua is not simple.
> --lhf