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> From: 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:05 PM
> > Can't you query the names of locals through the debug interface?
> Only until you strip the debugging information with luac -s, which
> you would certainly want to do for very limited memory environments.
> The line number information takes up one word per opcode, doubling
> the size of the VM code, for a start: that is usually bigger than
> the space used up by variable names.

It would be nice to be able to strip out the line number information as
well. I assume this is going to break all of the linehook and stack
retrace debugging code. This doesn't matter if you have finished
debugging a script. I assume the biggest use for linehooks is in

I think Rici mentioned a while ago that his style of implementation
preference would be to have a line information VM instruction, rather
than embedded line information. I suppose if you had this style you
could just omit the generation of these line instructions and Lua VM
code would be leaner. It looks like quite a task to strip out line
numbers from the current implementation though.
