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At 17:39 2003-10-09, Dmitriy Iassenev wrote:
hi all,

1. I have a manager class, which deals with the instances of some interface
2. I exported this interface class to Lua
3. I derived a class in Lua from this interface and defined needed virtual
4. When manager class calls interface method, it doesn't work properly since
manager class surely doesn't see Lua classes in the virtual table

Is there any other algorithm to implement such a construction?

Yes, there is. Inheritance from C++ classes is demonstrated in the
luabind docs. Did you create a wrapper type for the C++ class so that
virtual function dispatch will work correctly?

You'll have to show me some code of what you are doing to get more help.

Many thanks in advance,
Dmitriy Iassenev

P.S. I use LuaBind

BTW. luabind has it's own mailing list:

Please redirect future questions there.

Daniel Wallin