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David Olofson wrote:
On Friday 03 October 2003 09.57, Eero Pajarre wrote:

Btw. TinyCC seems to be under LGPL license so I would not touch it
for my current projects.

Why is that? (I'm just curious because I haven't seen any significant issues with the LGPL so far...)

My own project is not open source, so complying with the LGPL license
requires at least using a dll version of the TinyCC package.
(I assume that it must be somehow integrated, and not used as an
external program)

I guess the complications caused by this, and by the requirements of
distributing the TinyCC source code are minor, but I am trying to
avoid them.

(This is propably offtopic to the list, except that one of the reasons
for selecting Lua for my project was its license, so feel free to contact
me directly for futher discussion)
