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At 23:40 23/09/2003 +0100, you wrote: [..]
function instance:debug() print("pos :"..self.Pos) end
and then do the following lua_getglobal(m_LuaVM, "myscript"); if(lua_istable(m_LuaVM,-1)) { lua_pushstring(m_LuaVM,"debug"); lua_gettable(m_LuaVM,-2); if(lua_isfunction(m_LuaVM,-1)) lua_call(m_LuaVM, 0, 0); else lua_pop(m_LuaVM,1); }now this actually works if I don't reference self.Pos and will print the string. but if I reference anything that
I think the problem is that you're not passing 'self' to the function.. when you call a function from lua using the colon, it's like calling it with self, for example 'object:method()' is actually 'object.method(object)'. So when using the C API, you need to do this by hand. You can probably do a 'lua_insert(ls, -2)', to swap the function with the table, and then 'lua_call(ls, 1, 0)', because you're actually sending 1 parameter ('self').
bye.. Ariel. http://Anime.com.ar snm