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On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:45:55 -0400 (EDT)
Diego Nehab <> wrote:

> default behaviour for FTP.  I left the old PASV code there because some
> day I would like to find out how to fallback to passive mode if the
> active mode fails, or perhaps allow the user to chose the data
> connection mode.

Another experiment involved adding one or two lines to ftp.lua, in

@@ -293,11 +293,13 @@
 	if not code then return nil, answer end
 	data, answer = server:accept()
+        print('data,answer =',data,answer)
 	if not data then 
 		return answer 
+        data:settimeout(Public.TIMEOUT)   
 	answer = Private.receive_indirect(data, content_cb)
 	if answer then 

With just the first line added, the print statement runs after the
timeout set in Private.port expires and then it hangs until ^C minutes

data,answer =	userdata: 0x41010	nil
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function `receive'
	ftptimeout.lua:35: in function `try_receive'
	ftptimeout.lua:265: in function `receive_indirect'
	ftptimeout.lua:302: in function `retrieve'
	ftptimeout.lua:495: in function `download'
	ftptimeout.lua:582: in function `get_cb'
	ftptimeout.lua:651: in function `get'
	bsgetindex.lua:10: in main chunk
	[C]: ?

With both lines added the receive times out after another minute but
not even 'lua -i etc.' leaves it in the interpreter.  Instead it quits
and I'm back at the shell prompt.
