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>the berkeley db interface is "huge" compared to gdbm  :)

I was looking at db.h in my RH 5.2, which lists dbopen and then the
following methods:

	 int (*close)    __P((struct __db *));
	 int (*del)      __P((const struct __db *, const DBT *, u_int));
	 int (*get)      __P((const struct __db *, const DBT *, DBT *, u_int));
	 int (*put)      __P((const struct __db *, DBT *, const DBT *, u_int));
	 int (*seq)      __P((const struct __db *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int));
	 int (*sync)     __P((const struct __db *, u_int));
	 int (*fd)       __P((const struct __db *));

I think this is BDB 1.x. I've looked at newer RHs and indeed there are several
other methods in newer versions...