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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
LUA_ERRERR means an error during error handling.

Ah, thanks. How should this be handled? What happens in the case of such a thing? I am writing to ada 95, and am mapping erros to exceptions. If this occurs, will Lua panic or will it be returned?

This means that your error handler raised an error. Apart from that, everything
is ok; the application can carry on.


What do the lib loading functions do on error? They return ints, is it simply success or failure or do they return specific error codes?

What "lib loading functions"?

Do you mean loadlib? If so, see the comments in src/lib/loadlib.c.

No, I meant the luaopen_base, luaopen_math, etc. Sorry I should have been more clear.

Upon looking through loadlib.c, libaux.c and lmathlib.c, it appears they return 1 on success. I can't see any other return values that are paid heed to.
