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Hi haemish,

lua is one of the most portable pieces of source I've ever encountered. I've 
used it on the gameboy advance, sharp zaurus, playstation 2 and pc. it 
compiled on all these platforms (gcc, codewarrior, visual c++) with no 
modification (apart from that which was necessary for the purpose of my 

I would suggest the only 'porting' you would need to do would be to put all 
the source files in one directory along with the lua.c and compile. This 
should only take 10 minutes with any ansi C compiler, then you could see if 
it was fast/small enough for your use.

this worked on the zaurus (no floating point) and it runs fast enough to have 
fun with.

If you're talking about just using integers for speed, then you need to look 
at the luser_number.h file where you can specifiy that only integers are 

If I'm completely barking up the wrong tree, then I apologise in advance ;)


On Monday 08 September 2003 1:08 pm, Haemish Graham wrote:
> Hi.
> I am a newcomer to Lua, having come across it whilst researching options
> for a small embeddable scripting langauge. Lua is a fantastic piece of
> work! I have succesfully worked with the Win32 and PocketPC ports of Lua
> but now require a PalmOS port, there does not however appear to be an
> open source port for PalmOS. PLua was a nice port of Lua4 but  am I more
> interested in an open source port of Lua5 as I expect to need to
> optimize the library for space and speed.  Various people have posted on
> the subject of an open source port of Lua for PalmOS, did anything ever
> come of these projects? Is there any real advantage to Lua5 over Lua4?
> My exposure so  far has only been to Lua5 so  I am more familiar with
> the new style of various mechanisms.
> Kind Regards.
> -haemish