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Hi Peter,

We talked about lua before, if you remembering. I aked a question about the 
difference between lua_dofile and luaL_loadfile and why lua_dofile is working 
and luaL_loadfile isn't working. In the attachment i send you some classes i 
which i had written for a game project im working for. It's job is to wrapp 
some functions of a other class, but this shouldn't be important.

In cScripting.cpp about line 18 i load the script. luaL_loadfile returns 0. 
But if i call it cames attempt to call a nil value. Today i had a quick view 
in the lua sources. Speciely lauxlib.c.
The only difference between this two functions is that lua_dofile 
luaL_loadfile over aux_do calles. If i delete in aux_do the lua_pcall all 
went and i compile the lua new. lua_dofile works too. But their is no 
difference to take luaL_loadfile directly. Have you a clue why and is it 
dangerous to delete the lua_pcall in the lua sources. Because it is a bit 
faster and we trying to get the game as fast as possible.

Thanks for your time and help and have a nice day,
  	- Johannes

#ifndef __SCRIPT__H__

#define __SCRIPT__H__

namespace script
class cScript;
class cScriptPoint;
class cScriptList;
class cInterpreter;

#include "cScripting.h"

#endif /*__SCRIPT__H__*/

function test_lua_scripting()



function test()

LIBS = `sdl-config --cflags --libs` -llua -llualib
OBJ = ../cObject.cpp ../cObjectContainer.cpp ../cScripting.cpp main.cpp

test: $(OBJ)
	g++ $(OBJ) -o test $(LIBS)

cObject.o: ../cObject.cpp
	g++ -c -g ../cObject.cpp $(LIBS)

cObjectContainer.o: ../cObjectContainer.cpp
	g++ -c -g ../cObjectContainer.cpp $(LIBS)

cScripting.o: ../cScripting.cpp
	g++ -c -g ../cScripting.cpp $(LIBS)

main.o: main.cpp
	g++ -c -g main.cpp $(LIBS)
#include "../cScripting.h"

using namespace script;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    cInterpreter *interp = cInterpreter::getInstance();
    cScriptList *script_list = cScriptList::getInstance();
    obj::cBaseObject *test_object1;

    int test_script1 = script_list->addScript("test.lua", "test_lua_scripting");
    int test_script2 = script_list->addScript("test.lua", "test_lua_scripting");
    int test_script3 = script_list->addScript("test.lua", "test_lua_scripting");
    int test_script4 = script_list->addScript("test2.lua", "test");

    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script1)); 
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script2));
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script3));
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script4));

    test_script2 = script_list->deleteScript(test_script2);

    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script1));
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script2));
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script3));
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script4));

	cerr<<"third time"<<endl;

    test_script4 = script_list->deleteScript(test_script4);

    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script1));
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script2));
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script3));
    interp->runScript(test_object1, script_list->getScript(test_script4));

    return 0;


extern "C"{
    #include <lua.h>
    #include <lauxlib.h>
    #include <lualib.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "cObject.h"

* Namescpae aller Klassen, die mit dem Scripting der cObject Klassen zu tuen hat

namespace script {

* Speichert die eigentlichen Scriptdaten
* @author Johannes Hager email:

class cScript{


        int m_id;			/**< Id des Scriptes */
        int counter_used;		/**< wieviele Instanzen nutzen dieses Script */
        char *script_file;
        char *script_function;


	* @param 	Name des Scriptes
	* @param 	Name der Lua Funktion, innerhalb des Scriptes
        cScript(char *filename, char *function_name);


        int getId();
        void setId(int id);

	* erhöht counter_used um eins
	* @param	void
	* @return	void
	void inkCounter();

	* verringert counter_used um eins
	* @param 	void
	* @return	void
        void dekCounter();
        int getCounter();
        char *getFile();
        char *getFunction();

        friend class cScriptList;
        friend class cInterpreter;

* die einzelnen Knoten für cScriptList
* @author Johannes Hager email:

class cScriptPoint{


        cScriptPoint *m_pNext;			/**< Zeiger auf naechsten Listenknoten */
        cScriptPoint *m_pLast;			/**< Zeiger auf vorherigen Listenknoten */

        friend class cScriptList;


        cScript *m_pScript;			/**< Zeiger auf das eigentliche Script */


	* Wird von cScriptList->addScript() aufgerufen und erzeugt den neuen Konten in der Liste
	* @param	Name der Scriptdatei
	* @param	Name der Lua Funktion
	* @param	Zeiger auf den nächsten Knoten in der Liste
	* @param	Zeiger auf den vorherigen Knoten in der Liste
        cScriptPoint(char *filename, char *function_name, cScriptPoint *next, cScriptPoint


	* Kann die Scriptdaten des Knoten ändern / Vorsicht noch nicht benuten!

	// noch nicht korrekt implementiert
	int loadScript(char *filename, char *function_name);

        char *getFile();
        char *getFunction();

        //get& and set...functions();

        void setNext(cScriptPoint *next);
        void setLast(cScriptPoint *last);
        cScriptPoint *getNext();
        cScriptPoint *getLast();
        int getId();


* Klasse zur Verwaltung der cScriptPoint Klasse (eigengtliche Liste)

class cScriptList{


        static cScriptList *m_pInstance;      /**< Zeiger auf die einzige Instance derKlasse */

        cScriptPoint *m_pFirst;			/**< Zeiger auf das erste Element der Liste */
        cScriptPoint *m_pLast;			/**< Zeiger auf das letzte Element der Liste */
        int m_iSize;				/**< Größe der Liste */



        static cScriptList* const getInstance();	/**< liefert Zeiger auf die einzige 								      Instanze der Klasse */

	* Fügt ein Script der Liste an und überprpüft ob dieses schon in der Liste ist.
	* Liefert einen Integer Wert als Id zurück mit welchem man Zugriff auf das Script hat
	* @param	Name der Scriptdatei
	* @param	Name der Lua Funktion
	* @return 	Script Id
        int addScript(char *filename, char *function_name);

	* Liefert einen Zeiger auf das cScript zurück (benötigt von cInterpreter->runScript(...)
	* @param 	Script Id
	* @return	Zeiger auf ein cScript
	cScript *getScript(int id);

	* Löscht ein Script aus der Liste
	* @param Script Id
	* @return wenn alles klappt eine 0, sprich Script gibt es nicht mehr
        int deleteScript(int id);

* Stellt den lua State und die wrapper Funktionen zur Verfügung

class cInterpreter{


        obj::cBaseObject *object;
        obj::cBaseObject *object1;
        cScript* at_run;

        static cInterpreter *m_pInstance;     /**< Zeiger auf die einzige Instanz der Klasse */

        // a whole mass of static wrapper functions...

        static int show(lua_State *L);		//nur zum tesen



	* Gibt Zeiger auf die einzige Instanz der Klasse zurück
	* @param	void
	* @return	Zeiger auf die einzige Instanz der Klasse
        static cInterpreter* const getInstance();

	* for handling ai, drawing operations etc...,
	* führt das übergebenen Lua Script aus welches Zugriff auf die static Funktionnen von
	* cBaseObject obj1 hat
	* @param	cObject Objekt :-)
	* @param	cScript
        bool runScript(obj::cBaseObject* obj1, cScript* script);

        // for doing the stuff after collision between two objects on the game field
        //int runScript(cObject& obj1, cObject& obj2, cScript& script);



#include "cScripting.h"
using namespace script;
lua_State *L = lua_open();

 *                                                                   *
 *                      cScript Class                                *
 *                                                                   *

cScript::cScript(char *filename, char *function_name){

    counter_used = 1;
    script_file = filename;
    script_function = function_name;
/* Important */    
    lua_dofile(L, filename);
    //luaL_loadfile(L, filename);
    // Why doesnt this work
    // It returns 0, i think that means all wents right
    // But if i call script it brings attempt to call a nil value




void cScript::setId(int id){

    m_id = id;

int cScript::getId(){

    return m_id;

void cScript::inkCounter(){


void cScript::dekCounter(){


int cScript::getCounter(){

    return counter_used;

char *cScript::getFile(){

    return script_file;

char *cScript::getFunction(){

    return script_function;

 *                                                                   *
 *                      cScriptPoint Class                           *
 *                                                                   *



cScriptPoint::cScriptPoint(char *filename, char *function_name, cScriptPoint *next, cScriptPoint *last){
    m_pScript = new cScript(filename,function_name);
    m_pNext = next;
    m_pLast = last;



void cScriptPoint::setNext(cScriptPoint *next){

    m_pNext = next;

void cScriptPoint::setLast(cScriptPoint *last){

    m_pLast = last;

cScriptPoint *cScriptPoint::getNext(){

    return m_pNext;

cScriptPoint *cScriptPoint::getLast(){

    return m_pLast;

 *                                                                   *
 *                  cScriptListe Class                               *
 *                                                                   *


    m_pFirst = NULL;
    m_pLast = NULL;


    cScriptPoint *marker = m_pFirst;
    while(marker != NULL);

        m_pFirst = m_pFirst->getNext();
        delete marker;
        marker = m_pFirst;

int cScriptList::addScript(char *filename, char *function_name){

    if(m_pFirst == NULL){
        m_pFirst = new cScriptPoint(filename, function_name, NULL, NULL);
        m_pLast = m_pFirst;
        m_iSize = 1;

        cScriptPoint *temp = m_pFirst;
        while(temp != NULL){
            if(strcmp(function_name, temp->m_pScript->getFunction()) == 0){
                return temp->m_pScript->getId();
            temp = temp->m_pNext;

        m_pLast->setNext(new cScriptPoint(filename, function_name, NULL, m_pLast));
        m_pLast = m_pLast->getNext();
        m_pLast->m_pScript->setId(m_pLast->getLast()->m_pScript->getId() + 1);
    return m_pLast->m_pScript->getId();

cScript *cScriptList::getScript(int id){

    cScriptPoint *temp = m_pFirst;
    while(temp != NULL){
        if(temp->m_pScript->getId() == id)
            return temp->m_pScript;
        temp = temp->getNext();

    return NULL;

int cScriptList::deleteScript(int id){

    cScriptPoint *marker = m_pFirst;
    while(id != marker->m_pScript->getId()){
        marker = marker->getNext();
    if(marker->m_pScript->getId() == id){


        if(marker->m_pScript->getCounter() <= 0){

            cScriptPoint *temp_last = marker->getLast();
            cScriptPoint *temp_next = marker->getNext();


            delete marker;
            return 0;
        return 0;
    return 0;

 *                                                                   *
 *                  cInterpreter Class                               *
 *                                                                   *



    // registriert Wrapperfunktionen in lua
    lua_register(L, "show", show);              //nur zum testen




cScriptList* const cScriptList::getInstance(){

        m_pInstance = new cScriptList;

   return m_pInstance;


cScriptList *cScriptList::m_pInstance = NULL;

/************** Beginn Wrapper Functions ******************/

//nur zum testen
int cInterpreter::show(lua_State *L){


    return 1;

/************** End Wrapper Functions *********************/

cInterpreter* const cInterpreter::getInstance(){

        m_pInstance = new cInterpreter;

   return m_pInstance;


bool cInterpreter::runScript(obj::cBaseObject* obj1, cScript* script){

    if(script == NULL){
        return false;

        object = obj1;
        at_run = script;

        lua_getglobal(L, at_run->getFunction());

        int status = lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);         // Argumente und Returns ermoeglichen
        if (status) {
            const char *msg = lua_tostring(L, -1);
            if (msg == NULL) msg = "(error with no message)";
                cerr<<"Error: "<<msg<<endl;			//Fehlerabfrage einbauen
            lua_pop(L, 1);
    return true;

cInterpreter *cInterpreter::m_pInstance = NULL;