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On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 06:38:13AM -0700, Jeremy Jorgensen wrote:
> Thanks for all of your help. We have currently
> reverted to a previous build of the software and are
> now in the process of integrating the newer modules
> one by one to see where things could be going wrong.
> If we cannot find the bug this way we will be doing a
> code review on the entire project to see if we can
> find a flaw in our code design and implementation.
> Thanks again for your help.

Could also be a race condition/timing issue with your thread
synchronization.  The first time you run the program afer a full rebuild,
the OS has probably not cached any pages of your application from the disk
into memory.  The second time you run, the program will probably load and
start running much quicker, most likely causing your threads to switch
contexts at different places than they did during the first run.

