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You mite also investigate luabind, which handles c++ objects and is built on
top of lua.

"Vincent Lascaux" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
>  I'm new to Lua (since yesterday), so dont blame me if I say silly  things
> ;)  I know that I can use operator ':' to make the script look like object
> oriented. X:A() is replaced by X.A(X).  I want to export C++ object, and
> with this idiom, X must have a large table  to store every functions. I
> think this could be a performance problem when  using a lot of variable of
> the same type as X. Is there a way to make this  work with only one large
> table ?
>   For example, I'd like to define a new operator (I dont know if this is
>  possible) '->' that would replace X->A() by functions[X.type].A(X), where
> functions is a table containing a table for each type. So
> would be the table containing every functions associated with X.type (I
> assume that I can assign to each variable a "type" value that identificate
> its type).
>  Thanks
>  --
>  Vincent