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>  My question is, how can I tell when the script is complete?  I figured
> lua_resume() would return some signal, but anything other than 0 seems 
> flag an error.  I could call a C function to tell me the script is done, 
> there must be a simple way I'm missing.

lua_resume puts the script's returned results (or the arguments to yield) 
on the stack.

So the simplest solution is for the script to always use:

return true

and check the top of the stack when lua_resume returns 0.

Note: lua_resume does not tell you how many results are on the stack. So 
it is necessary to compare lua_gettop() after calling lua_resume with what 
it was before.

Something like this, assuming we start with the thread on the top of the 
stack (change -1 as appropriate):

int res = lua_gettop(L);
do {
  lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
  if (lua_resume(L, nargs)) lua_error(L);
     /* resume left an error message on top of the stack */
} while (res == lua_gettop(L));