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Has there been any standerd way of representing a XML document in a lua table structure defined yet?

I'm thinking about the actual structure of the document rather than things like Unicode issues and parsing.

i.e. XML like this:

<person id="1234">

would become a lua table structure like this:

xml = {
 [0] = {
   ["name"] = "person",
   ["attributes"] = {
     ["id"] = "1234"
   ["nodes"] = {
     [0] = {
       ["name"] = "name",
       ["nodes"] = {
         [0] = {
           ["name"] = "first",
           ["value"] = "John"
         [1] = {
           ["name"] = "last",
           ["value"] = "Smith"

Which is the best way I've come up with so far. With some helper functions this could be quite useful. But is it the best way of doing this and am I covering old ground?

Scott Morgan