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> To build the dlls you will need a rule like this:
> dll:
> DLLWRAP --output-def lib/liblua.def
> --implib lib/liblua.dll.a src/*.o
> $(DLLWRAP_OPTS) -o bin/lua-$V.dll
> DLLWRAP --output-def lib/liblualib.def --
implib lib/liblualib.dll.a
> src/lib/*.o $(DLLWRAP_OPTS) -L$(LIB) -llua.dll -
o bin/lualib-$V.dll
> where DLLWRAP and DLLWRAP_OPTS are:
> DLLWRAP=dllwrap.exe
> DLLWRAP_OPTS= --no-export-all-symbols
> --add-stdcall-alias
> you also have define LUA_API as '__declspec(dllexport)'

But what I wanted to know is whether my batch file was 
correct. It works with C and Delphi (doing only basic 
tests), but there may be hidden gotchas. I used --export-
all-symbols and didn't define LUA_API because luac needs 
internal functions. I didn't use --output-def, --implib 
and --add-stdcall-alias either.

> The loadmodule library does that, and also add support 
for loadable binary
> modules:

Is loadmodule's purpose similar to loadlib's?

> Hope that helps,
> Ignacio Castaño

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