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lua_load is a very generic function to
load code (you execute it afterwards
with lua_call or lua_pcall). Try
luaL_loadfile and luaL_loadbuffer.
But, if you prefer, lua_dostring still
exists, it is declared in lauxlib.h
(lauxlib.pas, for Delphi).
Trying with "luaL_loadbuffer", the result is always "Error! ...".
 st := 'print("Hello Lua!")';
 k := luaL_loadbuffer(L,PChar(st), sizeof(st), '');
 if k <> 0 then
   ShowMessage('Error! Lua interpreter failed');

Trying with "luaL_loadfile", the result is always the same "Error! ...".
 st := 'print("Hello Lua!")';
 k := luaL_loadbuffer(L,PChar(st));
 if k <> 0 then
   ShowMessage('Error! Lua interpreter failed');

What am I missing with paramaters?
