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Hi All,
as a matter of fact, I am using Lua 4.0 code with Delphi where this code runs fine with Lua4:
k := lua_dostring(L,LuaCode);
where k is an integer and LuaCode is PChar (char *LuaCode)
L = PLua_State (Lua_State *L);
With Lua5 this code doesn't run anymore. I have tried the function lua_load

lua_load: function(L: Plua_State; reader: lua_Chunkreader; data: Pointer; const chunkname: PChar): Integer; cdecl;

I have tried many parameters but I can't find the right ones to put in it.

k := lua_load(L, ...);

In this case what are "reader", "lua_Chunkreader", "data", "chunkname" parameters?

