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> What I am looking for is a way to embed lua into my application(high
> Is there any way in lua that I can use to run a chunk of lua script in c
> Can lua_load do that?

Yes.  Though you probably want to check out the luaL_loadfile and
luaL_loadbuffer calls (both declared in lauxlib.h) as well.  These leave a
closure on the stack that runs the loaded chunk when executed, or an error
message if the call fails.  Example:

/* load chunk from file */
if (luaL_loadfile(L, "myscript.lua"))

/* run chunk */
lua_call(L, 0, 0);

There is another useful way of embedding Lua code in your C sources: use
etc/bin2c.c to translate a compiled lua file into C code that can simple be
#include-d in your source.
