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If i understood correctly, i'd just have to override the "__index" metamethod in "cs"'s metatable; calling the correct function by name is done on the cpp side anyway.
Thx for your help, I think this is exactly what i need!


On Thu, 22 May 2003 12:44:13 -0400, Peter Shook <> wrote:

It sounds like all you want to do is index a table. Here is an example in Lua, but your classes could be implemented in C if you wish.

local function Class(methods)
methods = methods or {}
function methods:new(obj)
return setmetatable(obj or {}, {__index = methods})
return methods

local function load(self, filename)
print(, 'load', filename, self)

local mesh = Class{ name = 'mesh', load = load }
local sound = Class{ name = 'sound', load = load }
local texture = Class{ name = 'texture', load = load }

cs = {
mesh = {},
sound = {},
texture = {},

cs.texture.t1 = texture:new{ t = 1 }
cs.mesh.m1    = mesh:new{ m = 1 }
cs.mesh.m2    = mesh:new{ m = 2 }
cs.sound.s1   = sound:new{ s = 1 }
cs.sound.s2   = sound:new{ s = 2 }
cs.sound.s3   = sound:new{ s = 3 }

cc = cs.texture.t1 print('cc',cc) cc:load'one'
cc = cs.mesh.m2    print('cc',cc) cc:load'two'
cc = cs.sound.s3   print('cc',cc) cc:load'three'
cc = cs.sound.s1   print('cc',cc) cc:load'four'

$ lua x.lua
cc      table: 0x10045a98
texture load    one     table: 0x10045a98
cc      table: 0x10045c18
mesh    load    two     table: 0x10045c18
cc      table: 0x10047668
sound   load    three   table: 0x10047668
cc      table: 0x100473e0
sound   load    four    table: 0x100473e0

- Peter Shook

Moritz Mühlenthaler wrote:
Hi everyone,
im rather new to lua and i have some problems binding it to my cpp code. The
main problem is that all my classes are loaded dynamically, so i cant
hardcode the binding to a lua table. I could register each class' methods as soon as it's loaded, but i'd prefer to set some kind of hook in the metatable, which takes care of calling the right functions; I hope i can make it a little
clearer by getting more specific.
Lets say i have a "content server" which holds a hirarchy of classes
representing the content of a little game (texture classes, mesh classes, sounds, ect). This "content server" has something like a "current content" to save some typing (i.e. cs.meshes.player01.load("") = cs.load("") if cs.meshes.player01 is the "current content"). So the problem is that i cant hardcode the functions in the "cs" table, because the current content can be a mesh, a texture, a camera or whatever... I've read about the metatables, and the "__call" hook, but i somehow cant override it properly. I'd be glad if someone could give me a hint how to set a cfunction as a "__call" hook from
c in the metatable. Perhaps you even have a completely different idea..
Thx for your time.


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