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> Which seems weird to me. Shouldn't the linker be finding those symbols 
> in the executable's address space?
	I don't think so.  Why don't you make dynamic
libraries instead of a bundle?  I add a clause at Makefile
to make .dylib instead of .so:

    gcc -o lib/liblua.$V.dylib -dynamiclib src/*.o
	gcc -o lib/liblualib.$V.dylib -ldl -dynamiclib src/lib/*.o $(LIB)/liblua.$V.dylib

	I also added the version number before the extension.
You'd have to:

make somac
make sobin
make install

	In fact, the install will fail because the extensions
doesn't match...  You'll have to change that clause too.

	Tell me if you succeed or if you find another
way to solve that.