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I note that luaswig, along with all the rest of the luagnome project, has
disappeared. Although I'm not using it for any current projects, I did use
luaswig quite heavily, and made some improvements which I'm quite happy to
distribute (indeed, some of them got into the last official release).

As it's a GPLed piece of software, I'm at liberty to distribute my updated
version, and if there's sufficient interest I'd be happy to do so. There
are three caveats:

1. I have no plans to update it.
2. It works with Lua 4.0.
3. It works with Swig 1.1 (not the current 1.3).

Having said that, I've been using it for production software for some time
now, and it's proved flexible and reliable (in wrapping a hideous old C
system). Since my company is not showing much interest in Lua, I'm not
likely to get any more time to work on it, and I haven't used it for
anything else. I imagine that with the loadlib developments in Lua 5, the
demand for such a package (at least for working with C) will be reduced.

Of course, if anyone else is interested in maintaining luaswig, I'd be
delighted to hear from them.

Anyway, do mail me (pref. off-group, as I don't read it much) to vote for
a luaswig distribution if you're interested. In a few days I'll mail the
group again to say what level of interest I've had and whether I feel
there's been enough to warrant a release.

-- | maximiste, n.  pessimiste (Roux)