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Important: everybody should subscribe to the new list until May 11! You
can subscribe now. There will be no automatic migration.

--- The rest of this message is a copy of the one sent on Monday.

On May 12, 2003 we will migrate to the new list. It is already up and
running, see .

* Please subscribe to the new list by May 11, but remember that it will
replace the current list only on May 12, so do not post to the new list
until that day.

* This list will be deactivated on May 12. Until May 11 (Sunday) send
all your messages to this current list.

* The new list is managed by Mailman. Among other facilities, you can
choose to receive only daily digests. So, those that currently subscribe
to lua-l at Yahoo can migrate to the new list. Unless there are strong
reasons otherwise, we intend to deactivate lua-l at Yahoo. All current
archive services will be preserved (we hope).

* The new list will be closed to members. That is, only subscribers
can post to it. We hope this will greatly reduce the number of spams
to the list. Anyway, we ask you to avoid writing the full list address
in public web pages and usenet postings. (As the list is closed, that
address is not very useful to non members anyway. There is no problem
linking to the list information page.)

* For those that read and send messages from different machines, it
is easy to subscribe multiple addresses and set only one to receive

* The new list is a courtesy of Conectiva thanks to Gustavo Niemeyer.

- -- Roberto

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