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Thanks for the clarification. I meant to use:

if T == "string" then return string.gsub( A, "(.*)", "%1")

The string.gsub docs say: "Returns a copy of s in which..."

But if there truly aren't string duplicates, help me understand what string.gsub is returning?

On Tue, 6 May 2003 21:06:14 -0300, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
>>if T == "string" then return string.sub(A,1)
>Despite the way it looks, string.sub(A,1) does not produce a copy of
>string A; there are no strings duplicates in Lua. The only values
>that can
>be copied are tables.

--Brad Olson 
--05/07/2003 at 1:48:41 PM