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I'm not sure but tolua might be including the #defined stuff inside the modules, so you might have to use Habitat.Core.HB_TRUE

Anyway, tolua has it's own boolean implementation (I think I saw a tolua_pushbool() function on the library, they just push a number or nil), so you can safely use functions and variables of type 'bool'. You should also know that (as far as I know, someone please correct me) 0 is _true_ on lua:

$ lua
Lua 4.0.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 TeCGraf, PUC-Rio
> a = 0
> if a then print "a is true" end
a is true
> a = nil
> if a then print "a is true" end
> ^Z

it took me a while to figure that out.. I guess '0' is a value of type number, and that's better that just 'nil' ;) we usually have the lines 'true = 1' and 'false = nil' at the begining of our scripts to avoid confusion..

Hope that helps.. bye.


At 22:39 26/04/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>From my reading Lua doesn't support booleans. No problem I thought; I'll just
define TRUE and FALSE and typedef unsigned char to be my own boolean type, and
then expose them using ToLua.

So this is my C++ code:

namespace Habitat
        namespace Core
                typedef         unsigned char           HBboolean;
                #define         HB_TRUE                         1
                #define         HB_FALSE                        0

And this is my package file:

module Habitat
        module Core
                typedef         unsigned char           HBboolean;
                #define         HB_TRUE                         1
                #define         HB_FALSE                        0

Now when I try to use these in my Lua scripts, nothing works:

        flag = HB_FALSE
        flag2 = HB_TRUE



These all display:


Am I missing something really obvious? Any help greatly appreciated.

