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Just to be clear:

>lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
>behaves like:

so you're saying that wherever I called lua_getglobals(L), I can now 
start calling lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX) instead?

After reading everyone's responses, I'm feeling a little flustered -- 
how in the world are everyone learning this stuff?  Reading the 
implementation code?  I can't find any docs, the mailing list 
archives are a bit, er, fractured (especially as 5 went from alpha to 
beta, and now some changes to final), there isn't much sample source, 
yet somehow everyone else here has clued in on how this stuff works 
and I haven't.  

Granted, I haven't taken the time to just read all the Lua source 
code, but I was hoping that was a last resort =|
