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Szabolcs Szasz:
> I can't get what's wrong with positioning Lua as what
> it has already been best positioned at: a "general purpose,
> simple, efficient, small, embedded interpreter".
> If Lua trades any of these great properties in exchange
> for "gaining ground" in other areas, that will necessarily
> move focus and effort from its essence

LuaCheia doesn't challenge the use of Lua as an embedded interpreter... it
enhances it. It provides extra mix-and-match modules for that interpreter to
optionally use so that Lua actually becomes *more* attractive to use in a
variety of embedded applications.

And, as far as I understand it, adding a more enhanced stand-alone system is
not intended as competition for Python/Perl/etc. Rather, it enables
programmers who use Lua in an embedded application (some who may not even
know any other languages) to be able to leverage that knowledge without
having to learn extra languages.

Peter Hill.