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Scott escribió:

> I am trying not to do something like:

> object_1 = MyObject("object_1")

> or something similar like

> MyObject(object_1);

> especially if there is a cleaner way to do it using the API. I have
> tried to use tagmethods without any success. Is this something that
> can't be done? Again forgive me if this is a foolish question, I'm
> still pretty new to Lua development; and I am still getting my feet
> wet..

You need to use the setglobal tagmethod (Lua 4) or the __newindex
metamethod on the global table (Lua 5). The key provided as the argument is
the name of the global.

Alternatively, you could do this:

function MyObject(name)
  -- construct the object however you want to.
  getglobals()[name] = newobject
  return newobject

and then call it like this:

MyObject "object_1"

which would have the side_effect of setting the global object_1.

I think the first solution is cleaner but I use the second one in some
configuration files because it looks better.
