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LHdF> The current setglobals scheme was the outcome of our failed attempt to
LHdF> introduce a "global" statement. Following our basic goals in Lua, we wanted
LHdF> to have extensible semantics there too, but it proved too complicated.
LHdF> [...]

Thanks for this information. But actually, the way you describe it,
there is not a global table at all, but rather something like a
dynamically alterable function environment. i.e. all functions are
closures for which you can dynamically replace the environment.

If I see 'global', I assume that 'global' is what is meant. What do
you think of a name change to reflect what the function really does?
Maybe something like "setenvironment()" or even
"setfunctionenvironment()" (admitted, this is too long) would better
fit the bill? 
