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> How can I modify a referenced data? For instance:
> // create a table
> lua_newtable( L );
> // set table[0] = number
> lua_pushnumber( L, number );
> lua_rawseti( L, -2, 0 );
> // reference the table
> int ref = lua_ref( L, lock );
> // ... somewhere later in the code
> // get referenced table
> lua_getref( L, ref );
> now I can read table[0], but how could I change the value of table[0]
> such as next time I do lua_getref( L, ref ) I will get modified table?

Ummm... I was under the impression the scenario you describe is already
possible. I hope it is, since I've been using a similar scheme in one of my
commercial (Lua 4-based) projects [;-)].
