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> Yes, the caching is done. But... To my taste it is done for the
wrong case. Namely, culling non-existent meta-methods for some
selected events is the fastest case (just a flag check). But access to
any existing meta-method is a Lua-table lookup. I am not saying the 

ok then.Why not implement the __get and __set metamethods and let the
user set them if he/she wants to pay the price.They're existence
wouldn't bother anyone.And besides the actual metamethod function
pointers can be cached as well(not just existence flags) just get a
pointer to the value of the key "__get".The value may change but its
place in the table should remain fixed.

In any case a solution should be worked out.This is seriously damaging
lua functionality.I'd be interested in a response from someone from
the developer team on this...