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> > "Markus Huber" <>

> > Word= string.byte(Filehandle:read(1))*256
> >      +string.byte(Filehandle:read(1))

> > e.g. Word=Filehandle:read('w')

> "Björn De Meyer" <>

> I guess that that would be unportable. On a big endian architecture,
> or reading from a file that is big-endian, ... Lua uses only ANSI C,
> so it cannot know anything about endianness.

But its possible to arrange a programmer useable distinguish between
little- and big-endian. If you read data from a file you should know
which type is used.

> "Peter Prade" <>

> Well i'd say write a string.word() function, so you can then write:
> Word = string.word(Filehandle:read(2))

I think you are right. After sending my question I programmed a function
string.rbyte() to read individual bytes from a string and returning as
a integer number. But after many hours of spending grips to archive a
flexible, powerfull and Lua conform way we (a friend and I) came to this


-- Lua uses double-precision floating-point values defined with a
-- mantissa of 52 bits, this limits the useable range to 6 bytes

-- Bytes (number, optional); default is _INTSIZE
-- String (string)
-- Position (number, optional); default is 1; may be negative
-- Endian (string, optional); = 'little' or 'l'; default is _ENDIAN
--                            = 'big'    or 'b'
--                            = 'native' or 'n'

Defaults are:


So this test generates this --> output

   print(                              --> nil
   print(''))                            --> nil
   print(        '\65'))                 --> nil
   print(,    '\0\65'))                 --> 65


   print(,    '\0\65'))                 --> 16640
   print(,    '\0\65',       'little')) --> 65
   print(,'----\0\65'    , 5         )) --> 16640
   print(,    '\0\65----',-6         )) --> 16640
   print(,    '\0\65----',-6,'little')) --> 65
   print(  '\129\0\0\129',    'l'     )) --> 2164260993
   print(  '\129\0\0\129',    'b'     )) --> 2164260993
   print(,'\129\0\0\129',  4         )) --> 129
   print(,'\129\0\0\129',  4,'l'     )) --> nil
   print(,'\129\0\0\129',  4,'b'     )) --> nil
   print(,'\129\0\0\129',  4,'b'     )) --> nil

The returned nil is very usefull in conjuction with filehandle:read() to
check the end of the file. This is an example to read the x and y image
size of an jpeg file:

   if string.sub(Filehandle:read(3),1,3)=='\255\216\255' then

      _INTSIZE,Memorize = 2,_INTSIZE

      while Data~=65472 and Data~=nil do,'l')

      if Data~=nil then
         Type   = 'jpeg'
         Height =,4,'l')
         Width  =,'l')


